Best way to Share Google Workspace Account

Secure Account Sharing with Onleepass

Onleepass is a revolutionary new Google Workspace application that allows companies to share accounts between multiple users in a more secure and controlled manner. 

Unlike traditional account sharing methods, which rely on users sharing email and password information, Onleepass acts as an authenticator and generates one-time passwords (OTPs) for each user. This means that account sharing is more secure, as the Google account has two-step verification enabled, while remaining just as simple and easy to use as the traditional method. 

Add governance in account sharing

OnleePass is a cutting-edge solution that enhances the governance of account sharing in a Google Workspace domain. This innovative application is specifically designed to cater to the needs of workspace administrators and security teams, making it effortless to share accounts with the appropriate individuals while ensuring maximum security.

With OnleePass, you can share accounts with confidence, knowing that your data is secure and your workflow is streamlined.

Connect with email/pasword

Enable 2 steps

Centrally manage user access

One home page

Reset password automatic

Manage recovery email

With onleePass







Without onleePass







How it works in 3 easy steps ?

Setting up Onleepass is incredibly easy and straightforward. With just a few simple steps, companies can start sharing Google Workspace accounts in a more secure and controlled manner.

1️⃣ To start sharing an account with onleePass first add the account and fill the Authenticator code and finish setup using the 6 digit code generated by onleepass.

Once that done select if you want to reset the password at each signin. If account is used by multiple persons at a time it is not recommended.

Check help page : link

2️⃣ Once account added you can add users that will need to access the Shared Workspace account.

3️⃣ When users access to onleePass they have direct access to all the account shared with them.

They can get new password if rest password has been enabled and the OTP code is generated to connect with 2 steps.